There isn't anything easy about working on a C2. To replace the battery I had to drain and remove the expansion tank, move heater hoses, work around A/C lines, and stand the batteries on end to get them in and out. Then reverse the same stuff. Took me two hours to do a 5 minute job on my daily drivers.
I may be do for one in the Spring in my C2 being it hasn't been changed in my car since 2002.
1967 Marlboro Maroon 4spd Coupe 1973 Dark Blue 4spd Coupe w/air, original 25,000 miles 1999 Black C-5 Hatchback Coupe 6spd LS1 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe eng. code "ZZZ" 350-345hp Chevy Powered! 1970 Black on Black Monte Carlo(FOR SALE)Asking $18k
Yep, changed it because of age more than anything. It was still working ok but I didn't trust it because of it's age. New is cheap and good insurance I won't get stuck somewhere.
Yep, changed it because of age more than anything. It was still working ok but I didn't trust it because of it's age. New is cheap and good insurance I won't get stuck somewhere.
Ken that is why I have Triple AAA towing service. I have too many vehicles to worry about breaking down somewhere. I have the 100 miles coverage so if something happens that I can't handle on the spot I will just grab my cell phone and make that call to have my car flatbedded home if need be. Been pretty lucky so far. Hey if it isn't the battery it could be something else the way I see it. Most of the time when I have a battery fail it happens at home. I give it a full charge if it will take it and then do a load test to know exactly what the problem is.
1967 Marlboro Maroon 4spd Coupe 1973 Dark Blue 4spd Coupe w/air, original 25,000 miles 1999 Black C-5 Hatchback Coupe 6spd LS1 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe eng. code "ZZZ" 350-345hp Chevy Powered! 1970 Black on Black Monte Carlo(FOR SALE)Asking $18k
Ken, I should mention that I am driving around with 2 business Vans. A 2000 Ford E-150 and 2003 E-350 that still have their original batteries. I also have a 2000 Mercury Marquis that I use on occasion. It also has its original Battery.
Forum member Mr.Muffler has a '99 Mercury Marquis still with its original battery installed in it. He will probably chime in if he see's this post. I might of mentioned it before of how much faith I have in a Ford Motorcraft battery. I wish I could buy then in a store somewhere or online but I don't see anyone carrying them other then the Ford Dealer anymore. Years ago I use to deal with a Automotive warehouse that carried them but no more. Back in the 1983 I bought a new Dodge Van and the battery lasted less then a year. Put in a Ford Motorcraft from that warehouse I just spoke of and it lasted about 8 years back then with stop and go driving everyday from morning til night. Must of started and shut that Van off 40 times a day during those 8 years. I was sold on Motorcraft Batteries after that.
-- Edited by ffas23 on Monday 25th of October 2010 08:17:07 PM
1967 Marlboro Maroon 4spd Coupe 1973 Dark Blue 4spd Coupe w/air, original 25,000 miles 1999 Black C-5 Hatchback Coupe 6spd LS1 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe eng. code "ZZZ" 350-345hp Chevy Powered! 1970 Black on Black Monte Carlo(FOR SALE)Asking $18k
I also have AAA with 100 miles towing. We have 7 vehicles and my son keeps breaking parts so he uses it the most. I don't like breaking down so I am kind to my vehicles unlike the kid. I can't get too mad at him as I remember all the dumb stuff I did as a kid. So AAA has been good for us.
-- Edited by kensmith on Wednesday 27th of October 2010 10:35:37 AM
I use my Triple A maybe twice to bail out my daughter with breaking down with her old Blazer that she had up to about 3-1/2 years ago. Been pretty lucky with all of my rides but one never knows. Just one tow can be more then the Triple A member dues. When mentioning about the batteries I couldn't keep up with all the vehicles at my home to even think about taking out a completely good battery because of its age just to replace it for the heck of it. With my luck it would still be something else that would be the problem that would require towing. At least most of the time if it is the battery all one needs is a jump start to get you home to deal with it I feel.
1967 Marlboro Maroon 4spd Coupe 1973 Dark Blue 4spd Coupe w/air, original 25,000 miles 1999 Black C-5 Hatchback Coupe 6spd LS1 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe eng. code "ZZZ" 350-345hp Chevy Powered! 1970 Black on Black Monte Carlo(FOR SALE)Asking $18k
AAA has flatbedded my 57 home at least twice. Once from Sebring (when I blew the clutch on my second-ever drag run) and once from north of Polk City (aka BF FL) when the float in my primary carb took a dump and the car ran so rich I was afraid it would turn into a "Car-b-que"!
Had AAA since 1983 (the wife since 1981) and it's sorta like insurance - you take the risk of having it and not needing it -or- needing it and not having it!
-- Edited by ffas23 on Friday 29th of October 2010 04:30:01 PM
1967 Marlboro Maroon 4spd Coupe 1973 Dark Blue 4spd Coupe w/air, original 25,000 miles 1999 Black C-5 Hatchback Coupe 6spd LS1 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe eng. code "ZZZ" 350-345hp Chevy Powered! 1970 Black on Black Monte Carlo(FOR SALE)Asking $18k
Yes Mr. Sebring I have but still pretty darn funny if you were to ask me.
1967 Marlboro Maroon 4spd Coupe 1973 Dark Blue 4spd Coupe w/air, original 25,000 miles 1999 Black C-5 Hatchback Coupe 6spd LS1 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe eng. code "ZZZ" 350-345hp Chevy Powered! 1970 Black on Black Monte Carlo(FOR SALE)Asking $18k