Doesn't seem possible but Oct isn't that far off .Oct is when my car heads off to Orlando for the winter .I have to detour to Atlanta on the way for a trade show and hopefully catch up with Speedie and her husband.
The trip will be pressure packed and not much time to stay put anywhere .Atlanta is about 20 hours non stop except cat naps .I'll be in Atlanta for 24 hours then head for Daytona for a few hours to see mother.Last stop is Orlando to tuck the car away until Christmas and catch a flight back to Maine .
People around here get all depressed and ugly about not being able to enjoy their cars in the winter .I enjoy mine once a month or so and I get to meet and see a lot of forum people .
I just rented my 16x40 Corvette bay to some young fellas who own ricers .Actually they are some of the friendliest car folks I've met in years.