Nope! It wasn't me! Although, I did have a thing goin' with a guy named Charlie a few years ago, before I met Jim. I was fallin' hard for this guy....and everything was going great...........until he told me about his wife and three kids.
...and then he started telling me that as soon as his youngest graduated from high school, he was gonna leave his wife, and move to Atlanta to be with me. Can you believe I actually FELL FALL THAT CHIT!!!!! When I figured out our "relationship" was built on one lie after another, I started dating other guys. Things went reallly bad reallly fast, and we were verrrwwyyyyy hateful to each other. The threats started, and I put an end to them by telling him I'd be happy to send his wife the...ahem...highly personal pictures he sent me. He has a very distinct......characteristic.
We tried a couple of times to be friends, but that didn't end well either.
I was crushed!!! My dream was SHATTERED!!!! I was thiiiiissss damn close to FINALLY having the one thing I wanted the most....the one thing I thought he could give me....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE CAR, DAMNIT!!! THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has a '73 Vette. Gawd, that baby is SWEEET!!!!
Now that I think about it...I wanted the car more than I wanted the guy.
This one is for you Charlie...
-- Edited by Speedie on Friday 30th of October 2009 09:32:20 PM
But Speedie ya ended up with Jim ,that can't bad .Even though he does't have a C3
Aw, honey....I wasn't complaining. Truth is, my husband is about as perfect as a husband can be. Sometimes I wonder why he chose me. I thank God every day for the blessings he has given me.
As for the C3....I've looked at a couple, but a decision is pending.