The US Supreme Court, (13 uneleted officals) has decided by a slim margin that the 2nd Amendment shall stand.......
Theres always been an attack on the 2nd Amendment since it was written. It was written so that the "people" could over throw the governemnt if that government got out of hand.
Its always been a threat to the government and they have always sought to abolish it.
So now Chicago has to abandon its new anti hand gun laws. New Jersey and NYC will have to follow suit.
The next tactic is to make it too hard and difficult to own a hand gun in these anti gun states.
There approach is to make it costly and a pain in azz to have a gun.
A back ground check is required, a safety test on record, police finger printing, a justice criminal check, bla, bla, bla..........
California is looking to a ban on ammo.
The anti-gun states see it only the police and criminals should own guns. Wheres the logic in that? "We the people" are being served up as victims.
Why are all the laws against the law abiding? The answer is simple the law abiding people are the only ones who are a threat to the government.....
The government works for the criminal's, keeping drugs illegal leads to all the criminal enterprizes. Taking the guns out of the hands of the law abiding does the samething, the criminals have all the fire power its works for them.
So they are not a threat to the government not yet anyways, but when we are defenceless that will change it will be like Mexico a war between the police and the drug dealers.
The law abiding people are the ones who should be armed, we support the police in thier thankless efforts to make the country safe.
Who needs a Supreme Court anyways, nobody elected them, they rarely side with "we the people".
One has to keep in mind that Supreme upheld Slavery.........